In the summer of 2022, Caskey embarked on one of the more unique tours of his career, crossing the country with the exciting live show, The Masked Singer Live. Featuring some of the episodes fan favorite characters and hosted by Season 6 “Pepper” Natasha Bedingfield. The show played over 35 cities all across the country..
5/28 St. Louis, MO
5/29 Omaha, NE
5/31 Evansville, IN
6/1 Indianapolis, IN
6/3 Welch, MN
6/4 Milwaukee, WI
6/5 Chicago, IL
6/7 Cincinnati, OH
6/8 Columbus, OH
6/9 Akron, OH
6/10 Detroit, MI
6/11 Rama, ON
6/13 Syracuse, NY
6/14 Hershey, PA
6/16 Mashantucket, CT
6/17 Atlantic City, NJ
6/18 Newark, NJ
6/19 Boston, MA
6/21 Tysons, VA
6/22 Baltimore, MD
6/23 Richamond, VA
6/24 Charlotte, NC
6/25 North Charleston, SC
6/26 Atlanta, GA
6/28 Orlando, FL
6/29 Tampa, FL
6/30 Ft. Lauderdale, FL
7/1 Jacksonville, FL
7/2 Greenville, SC
7/5 Greensboro, NC
7/6 Nashville, TN
7/7 Huntsville, AL
7/8 Memphis, TN
7/9 Little Rock, AR
7/10 Tulsa, OK
7/12 San Antonio, TX